

Finances and Funding FAQS

Studying abroad is likely to be one of the most exciting challenges you’ll ever face, and careful planning is key to making it a successful and rewarding experience. This page provides answers to many financial questions related to study abroad, such as managing expenses and applying for financial aid and scholarships. We encourage students and parents to review this information as early as possible in the study abroad process.

Costs and Budgeting

Studying abroad may be your first experience planning and managing a budget – in a different country, in a different currency, on a different calendar, and maybe even in a different language! It is important to plan and stick to a budget and pay attention to your spending. The amount you spend abroad will depend on many variables, including the host country’s economy, the currency exchange rate, what costs are covered by your program, your personal spending habits, and the amount you wish to travel.

Budget Calculator

This is a free tool designed to help education abroad advisers, students, and their families financially plan for their upcoming education abroad program and estimate their budget.

Affordable Summer Programs

While our semester exchanges offer inexpensive fall and spring options, finding summer programs within students’ budgets can be more challenging. Each year Mercer’s Office of Global Education works with our partner universities and affiliates worldwide to find affordable summer options for Mercer students.