If you’d like to live in university accommodation, you can apply online once you have
accepted a place of study at Newcastle University.
Student rooms are designed for single-occupancy living and offer a private place to
sleep and study. Some rooms have ensuite bathrooms but if not, you’ll share a bathroom
with approximately 4-6 other students in your ‘flat’. You will also share a communal
space and kitchen area with your new ‘flatmates’.
If you’re coming for a full year
We guarantee University accommodation to students coming for a full year if you meet
the eligibility criteria. Applications are open from April to the end of June. and you’ll be
able to apply once you have an offer.
If you’re coming from one of our non-EU partners for one semester
While part-year exchange students from non-EU partners are not guaranteed
accommodation, we encourage you to apply and can usually offer you a room.
Applications are open from March to the end of June. and you’ll be able to apply once
you have an offer.
You can also consider private accommodation. Our Students’ Union created this helpful
advice website.