Summer in Sweden

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Sweden | Comparative Healthcare


View of the Old Town of Stockholm from the waterDates: July 6 – 17, 2025
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Cost: $2,550
Included: accommodations, in-country transportation, some meals, program events and activities, and study abroad fee
Not Included: airfare, some meals
Application deadline: February 15th
Deposit: $575 March 1st (non-refundable)
Final payment deadline: $1,975 with summer tuition and fees deadline
Course information: INT 201 and/or PBH 399

Requirements: In order to attend a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program, students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to Emily Dunn (

Sweden has been held up as the country that has it all together—low crime, high recycling participation, few animal control issues, positive race relations, and the most billion-dollar technology companies per capita after Silicon Valley. So how does Sweden do it and can we duplicate their success here at home?

This study abroad course offers students a comprehensive exploration of health care systems in the United States and Sweden, with a focus on understanding the complexities and outcomes of each nation’s approach to health care and well-being. Through a blend of classroom learning and study abroad experiences, participants will explore critical components that define and distinguish the health care frameworks of both countries. Emphasis will be placed on understanding system differences and maternal-child-health, mental health, prescription drugs, after-hours care, long-term care, and specialty care.

For more information about this program please contact Laura Bell ( or the Study Abroad Office (, 478-301-5964).