Before you travel abroad, it is important to check in with your DSO. When you meet with your DSO, you should ensure that your record in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is up-to-date and in Active status.
Make sure that your DSO has signed your Form I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status” within the last year, and that you are not leaving the country for more than 5 months. You should also make sure that you have your DSO’s most up-to-date contact information, including both a daytime telephone number at the school and a 24-hour emergency phone number, before you leave.
If you have a pending practical training application, it is not recommended that you leave the United States. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) may send you a request for evidence while you are travelling, and you are expected to be able to send in the requested documents. USCIS will only send the requests to your U.S. address.
If USCIS approves your practical training application, you will receive an Employment Authorization Document (EAD), which USCIS will only send to your U.S. address. You are expected to have your EAD in hand to re-enter the United States. Visit the Travel page on for more information about traveling with pending applications.