Yonsei University

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Yonsei University | Seoul, South Korea


Temple in South Korea with cherry blossoms

Located just inside the center of metropolitan Seoul, South Korea’s capital city, the Yonsei University campus is spacious and situated in the woods with a mountain. In a special CNN program on South Korea, CNN described it as “one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.” Mercer students will choose from diverse course offerings taught in English in business and economics, social sciences, liberal arts, and more. Yonsei has a booming campus life, energy and quite naturally incorporates international events such as Global Day, Language Exchange, and the Korean Cultural Experience event. Hundreds of students on any given day after class will be actively engaged outdoors, others find their way to the lively, hi-tech and engaging Global Center, while others enjoy one of five campus cafeterias/restaurants or take a walk to nearby restaurants. As one of the top private schools in the country, Yonsei is sure to offer Mercer students enjoyable and exceptional opportunities academically, socially and culturally in a welcoming environment.

Mercer Application Deadlines:

  • October 1 (Spring)
  • February 15 (Summer)
  • March 1 (Fall, Academic Year)

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Requirements: In order to attend an Exchange Study Abroad Program, students must have a 3.0 or higher GPA. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to Emily Dunn (dunn_ea@mercer.edu).