January in Guatemala

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Lake Atitlán, Guatemala | Globalization and Engagement


Aerial view of Santa Lucia, Guatemala with lake and mountainsDates: January 18 – 26, 2025
Location: Antigua, Guatemala
Cost: $2,750
Included: airfare, accommodations, in-country transportation, some meals, language classes, program events, and study abroad fee
Not included: some meals
Application deadline: October 15th
Deposit: $575 November 1st (non-refundable)
Final payment deadline: $2,175 with spring tuition and fees deadline
Course information: GLEN 301- Global Liberal Studies Practicum*

Requirements: In order to attend a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program, students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to Emily Dunn (dunn_ea@mercer.edu).

During this 3-credit hour course in Antigua, Guatemala, students will participate in experiential learning in a cross-cultural and global setting. In addition to a guided reflection on the connection of the experiential learning to the three co-requisite courses to which this practicum is attached, students will produce an integrated portfolio of the courses that will be assessed according to a Cross-Cultural and Global Learning rubric.

*Co-requisite with 3 other courses:
GLEN 225- Languages in Contact
GLEN 235- Globalization and Social Change
GLEN/HUMA 245- Interpreting Narratives Across Cultures and Around the World

Students must take at least 2 of the courses in order to be eligible to participate (GLEN 301+ one of the courses listed above). If students take all 4 courses, then they will earn a certificate in Globalization and Engagement.

For more information about this program please contact Professor Jason Holloway (holloway_jr@mercer.edu, 404-615-5416) or the Study Abroad Office (studyabroad@mercer.edu, 478-301-5964).