Spring Break in South Africa

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South Africa| International STEM Service Learning

Cape town center squareDates: March 1 – 9, 2025
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Cost: $4,200
Included: airfare, accommodations, in-country transportation, meals, program events and activities, and study abroad fee
Application deadline: October 15th
Deposit: $575 November 1st (non-refundable)
Final payment deadline: $3,790 with spring tuition and fees deadline
Course information: CSL 210, EGR 292, EGR 492, ECE 592/SSE 592, SCIE 100

Requirements: In order to attend a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program, students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to Emily Dunn (dunn_ea@mercer.edu).

This study abroad program offers students a global service-learning experience opportunity in the context of Cape Town, South Africa. Students will research the history and culture of South Africa and share their findings with class. It will introduce students to the principles of effective service learning and explore the topic of intercultural engagement.

Students will also learn how to develop and publish mobile apps (including mobile games) as well as develop lessons for general science. Students will assist in teaching mobile app development and hands-on science labs to youth at a South African partner organization.

Some of the cultural excursions include guided tours of Cape Town, Robben Island, Table Mountain, District Six Museum, and the Iziko Slave Lodge, and ending with a farewell dinner and African Marimba and Jazz show.

For more information about this program please contact Dr. Donald Ekong in the College of Education (ekong_d@mercer.edu, 478-301-2271), Dr. Sabrina Walthall in the College of Professional Advancement (walthall_sl@mercer.edu, 478-301-5651), or the Study Abroad Office (studyabroad@mercer.edu, 478-301-5964).