Spring Break in South Korea

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South Korea | Advanced Biomodelling

Temple on rocky coastDates: February 28 – March 10, 2025
Location: Incheon, South Korea
Cost: $3,860
Included: airfare, accommodations, in-country transportation, meals, program events and activities, and study abroad fee
Application deadline: October 15th
Deposit: $575 November 1st (non-refundable)
Final payment deadline: $3,285 with spring tuition and fees deadline
Course information: BME 430/530 – Advanced Biomodelling

Requirements: In order to attend a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program, students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to Emily Dunn (dunn_ea@mercer.edu).

Experience the global impact of biomodelling firsthand in this immersive course, which includes an exciting week-long trip to South Korea. During this international excursion, students will collaborate with local companies and universities to witness biomodelling in action within real-world contexts. From engaging with cutting-edge research to experiencing innovative applications firsthand, this unique opportunity offers students a deeper understanding of the global landscape of biomodelling technology.

Through hands-on experiences and interactions with industry leaders and academic experts, participants will gain invaluable insights into the practical applications of biomodelling in diverse settings. This international component enhances the course curriculum by providing a unique cross-cultural perspective and fostering meaningful connections with professionals in the field. Join us as we embark on this transformative journey to South Korea, where students will expand their horizons and deepen their knowledge of biomodelling technology on a global scale.

For more information about this program please contact Dr. Sinjae Hyun (hyun_s@mercer.edu, 478-301-2214) or the Study Abroad Office (studyabroad@mercer.edu, 478-301-5964).